Why you should consider us as your pressure washing & roof cleaning company?

Simply put, we believe we have helped take the pressure washing and roof cleaning industries to the next level here in Crossville. Gone are the days of hiring your lawn maintenance guy or local handyman to do a job that takes specialized knowledge of chemistry and years of hands on experience to ensure that you are receiving the best results possible, and of course in the SAFEST manner possible. The truth is that many of the so called professionals and non-professionals that offer pressure washing and roof cleaning services in the Crossville area don't have a clue about how to safely and effectively clean exteriors. Unfortunately, not only is it likely that the results will be well short of spectacular, but often your property will be left with damage that can cause big problems that will cost you a lot of money to fix. These problems are usually the result of inexperienced companies using dangerous, high pressure cleaning techniques.

The question is, who should you trust more; a company that hasn't the knowledge, nor the desire, to supply their customers with as much information about their services as possible, or a company that will explain all aspects of our pressure washing services to you so you understand what we are doing and why we do it that way. We are here to help and answer any questions you may have.

Are you licensed and insured?

Yes and No. Let's start off with the YES answer first. We are insured though a Insurance company here in Crossville, Tn. We will disclose which insurance company only to our customers. This is to protect us from anyone using our information.

Now to the NO question. This is where we get a little laughter when we see other "pressure washing" companies say they are licensed and insured and what they are doing is pulling the wool over your eyes to make them look better. In the state of Tennessee there is no license for cleaning services. You don't have to apply for a special license or take a test or what ever you need for other fields. Simply put, NO LICENSE IS NEED FOR PRESSURE WASHING. This is another reason why you should consider giving us a call for a FREE ESTIMATES. We run an honest operation and we feel honesty is the best policy for good customer service.

Do you have references you can give to me so I can check with your previous customers first.

Absolutely, I have all of my customers names and phone numbers and you can choose which ones to call. I want you to pick them out so were not biased. We feel we do such a great job for everyone there isn't anyone you can call that would say different.

Do I need to leave a deposit before you schedule me in to wash my house?

Absolutely NOT. We do not ask for any cash before the job is complete. We want you to be 100% satisfied

with the job we do for you and your family. We mean what we say on the home page....100% CUSTOMER SATISFACTION GUARANTEE! So, no payment what so ever is asked before you are satisfied.

Why not clean it myself?

Despite what the folks at the big home centers would like you to think, exterior pressure washing, soft washing, or roof cleaning is not something that most people should try tackling themselves. Even among the professionals, it can literally take years of experience and thousands of jobs before many reach a high level of competency in these trades.

Simply buying a small pressure washer does not qualify a person to have the appropriate knowledge or skill that it takes to achieve quality results, and more importantly, to achieve those quality results safely for you.

With the Roof Mold, if my whole roof has mold will you only remove the mold that I can see from the street and not the back of the house so it dont cost me an extra $100?

We will only clean what you want us to clean but if we only remove less than all of the roof mold we can not honor our 3 year warranty. Gloeocapsa Magma which is the technical name for the roof mold is air born. This means it will travel in the air.

This also means if you don't remove it all the first time anything left could possibly contaminate the clean part of the roof within the warranty period. If you decide you just want part of your roof cleaned we can not be responsible for it to return. We advise everyone to clean all sides that has roof mold cleaned so you receive the 3 year warranty.

I just read on the Residential Services/Exterior House Washing page that you scrub a house. Why dont you just pressure wash it instead?

I'm so glad you asked this question. When you pressure wash anything there is danger involved. Pressure washers has high PSI (pounds per square inch) coming out the tip of the pressure washing wand. If you get to close to certain surfaces you may damage it. Not all surfaces are able to withstand high PSI. For instance, vinyl siding.

Vinyl siding is made from polyvinyl chloride, or PVC is another word everyone know. It is easily breakable when high pressure water is applied. So, to avoid any damage possible we decide to be gentle to your investment. We use a soft bristle brush and actually scrub it for that reason but that's not the only reason either. Another reason we scrub a house is because it does a much much better job at cleaning surfaces. You know this. You wash dishes right? You don't just use the hand sprayer and rinse the dishes off, do you? No, you also use a dish cloth and scrub the dishes clean because it does a better job. It's the same with pressure washing. We want to do the best job possible for our customer cause we appreciate you giving us the opportunity to serve you.

What is the big difference between pressure washing and power washing?

Using only pressure resorts to a number of adverse effects that includes :

  • Ruined siding
  • Decks with permanent streaking due to excessive pressure
  • Stripped paint
  • Shingles blown off your roof
  • Slate and flagstone patio's destroyed
  • Cracked concrete
  • Broken windows
  • And many other problems could accurate

Why do you not use CHLORENE BLEACH like our regular handyman does?

First of all, All of our cleaners we use is BIO-DEGRADABLE 100% COMPLETELY SAFE TO ANIMALS AND PLANTS. Our cleaners are ordered from a pressure washing supply company that has tested their own product for many many years to make sure they do the job they are designed for. Our cleaners are made specifically for each individual job to make sure they clean and clean well. Second, chlorine is really toxic and corrosive. Yes, there are times when you need chlorine but when it comes to safety we rather use something else that will do as good or better and is 100% safe. Have you ever spilt chlorine on your hand and felt it to be slippery?

Well, that feeling isn't the chlorine itself. It is the chemical reaction of the chlorine in contact with your skin. It's our goal to be safe when doing a job for you. Since we are outside we don't need chlorine flying in the air and poisoning your plants or animals. We definitely don't want to inhale it cause if it makes your skin slippery what could the gases do to your lungs long term. This isn't a one time deal for us. We do this on a every day basis so we decide to be safe for you and us. So with that note we don't use chlorine cause we have a BIO-DEGRADABLE 100% COMPLETELY SAFE TO ANIMALS AND PLANTS solution that is better at cleaning and isn't toxic.

How often should I pressure wash?

This depends on several things such as the amount of shade you have, how much rainfall we get, the humidity levels and so on. Mostly it is a matter of personal perception. What you consider dirty, mildewed or in need of cleaning someone else may not think so. I personally wash my own house at least once a year.

I have seen other pressure washing jobs and you can see stripes from the pressure washing gun in the concrete will that happen to me?

No. We use what is called a surface cleaner. It is a piece of equipment that covers a larger area of concrete and basically replaces the use of a wand. This eliminates the possibility of the “stripes” in the concrete. Besides, if you are not satisfied with our service, we will fix it. No questions asked.

What’s that black staining on my roof?

The black mold stains and streaks that appear on roofs is actually blue – green algae (Gloeocapsa magma). This airborne bacterium gets deposited from various different sources, but it’s the heat and humidity, combined with the fiberglass and limestone filler components in your shingles that these bacteria FEED on.

It is the accumulation of dead colonies of these cyanobacteria that create visually dark streaks and stains on the shingles. This buildup holds water, as it stains and darkens your roof – which holds more HEAT. This combination can degrade the life of the shingle; so naturally, removing the stains improves the life of the shingles. Click here to read more about it.

Can you remove green moss from the roof or do I have to replace the shingles?

This is an amazing questions cause most people that has had this problem end up replacing the shingles. We have a cleaner that is 100% biodegradable that when we spray is on moss it actually lets goes of the shingles and it will peel of just like your peeling a banana. No damage to the shingles. Go to our video page and watch the video that we took concerning this question.

Last year someone stopped here and wanted to wash my house. The problem is, when they was finished I went out and checked and I noticed that when I wripped my fingers on my vinyl there was what looked like chalk on my siding. I asked about it and he said he couldn't do anything abt it cause it's old vinyl. Is this true?

Absolutely NOT true. This is where you can tell between the men and the boys. That "chalk" you have on your fingers is indeed from older vinyl but you can do something about it. This is called OXIDATION. Most people would think it's soap residue but it's not. The older it is more likely it will oxidize and cause a "chalky" look.

The reason those guys couldn't do anything about it is cause frankly...there lazy. To remove the oxidation from the vinyl you have to do what we do to ALL house's with or without oxidation.....Scrub it with a soft brissel brush. The scrubbing will loosen the "chalk" from the vinyl and when we rinse it will wash away leaving NO "chalk" on your siding.

I need the sides of my house, my driveway, and my wood deck power washed. Do you offer a package deal?

Yes. We will be more than happy to put together a package for you that suits your needs and your budget. Just let us know what you would like cleaned and we will present you with a free estimate.

How long will it take you do pressure wash my driveway, I have a party tonight?

It obviously depends on the size of your driveway but rest assure that we will get the job done as fast as possible, the RIGHT way, so that your driveway is sparkling clean for your guests.

Will pressure washing remove all stains from my driveway?

Unfortunately the answer is no. Pressure washing can and does remove most stains, but since concrete is a very porous material not all stains can be completely removed and the most common stain for driveways is oil stains. Very hard to remove after it sits for a while. Another hard stain to remove is leaf stains. They are hard to remove but we now have a solution that will remove MOST leaf stains.

What is a “real estate make ready”?

Are you trying to sell your home? Pressure washing the house, driveway, and/or fence greatly enhances curb appeal and could make the difference to a potential buyer between your home, and another one for sale down the street.

Do I need to be home when you are working?

No, of course not. All work can be completed as long as we have access to the property and everything in our pre home inspection is put away and windows and doors are closed. In today's world we understand you have better things to do than wait around for us while we clean. So go about your business and we will take care of everything else, unless you just want to hang out with us. That's OK too! What ever you prefer.

What if I have no water source?

No water, No problem! Of course water is good however we have water tanks and other sources available if need be. We will get water to your job by tank truck, trailer or other connections we have that may be close to your job site. No worries, we will work out the details during our no obligation evaluation of your property.

If I'm in a pinch and don't have cash available is there any other ways I can pay for your services?

Yes, although cash is always good there are times you may be short of cash at the moment. So, for your convenience we accept checks and all major credit cards. If a credit card is used for payment please understand that there is a 3% up-charge. This is what we are charged when processing a credit card transaction.

Since you know so much about pressure washing I have a question I bet you dont know the answer too. What are those small little black dots on my vinyl and on the gutter. I have a few on my car too.

Funny you ask cause we do know the answer. Why do we know this answer? Cause we just don't do pressure washing, we study it. In the last 3 or 4 years we have searched the internet for everything that we have come across. We want to be educated so we can educate you. Still today we study pressure washing. We study what products works and don't work. The right and wrong way to clean. We study on equipment we buy to do the job right. We just want to know the answer if you happen to have a question. If we don't know the answer we will find the right answer for you. Ok to answer the question, it's called artillery fungus or shotgun fungus.

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We Strive to Leave Your World Cleaner Than We Found It!