Roof Mold
Roof Mold

Get Your Roof Back - We Remove Black Roof Mold the Right Way
"We recently purchased this home and I was able to use the horrible condition of the roof to get $5,000 off the asking price. How about that.. I saved $5k and the seller (YOU?) lost $5k. As you can tell in the photo on the left side the gray shingles is black and that is because it only receives the morning sun. The roof is original to the home of 25 years. So the algae (gloeocapsa magma) has been on the shingles for a long time."
The after photos were taken a few days after Pressure Pro complete their process with their “NO PRESSURE” soft wash technique and what a difference they made it. The roof looks brand new! Oh by the way did I mention the seller (YOU?) lost $5k. If she (previous owner) would of had the roof cleaned by Pressure Pro Power Washing he would of only been out of pocket $250 and not $5000. This could be YOU.
If your home is suffering from the “Black Plague” give PRESSURE PRO POWER WASHING a call NOW!

Our Process
A stained roof can make your entire house look unappealing but Pressure Pro Power Washing can make it look like new in just a few hours, and keep it that way for several years. The soft wash process is approved by the Asphalt Shingle Manufacturers’ Association. The soft wash process can clean virtually any type of roof, including asphalt, tile, slate, metal and cedar.
How It Works

Our technicians will perform a complete visual inspection of your roof’s exterior. They’ll notify you of any visible structural issues and photograph them for your records.

Before the full application, we’ll apply a coat of cleaner to the most severely stained areas of your roof. This gives the cleaner additional time to work where it’s needed most before we apply the full application.

Clean & Restore
Next, we’ll apply a generous coat of cleaner to your entire roof. An even coat will ensure that every inch of your roof’s surface gets cleaned. During this stage, 99.9% of existing algae and bacteria will be removed from your roof.

10 Year Written Warranty
The 10 year warranty is covered if you have ALL mold removed from your roof the very first time. Let's say all sides of your roof has mold. If you only want the front side cleaned and not the back side cleaned it is a good possibility it will return before the 10 years.
This is an air born mold so we have to kill ALL OF IT and not part of it. If ALL the mold is removed we can feel comfortable to give you a 10 year warranty. It works that well. Our written warranty is located on your receipt we give you after the roof is cleaned. Other companies or "handy man" in our area does roof mold removal by PRESSURE or CHEMICAL and they say you get a warranty but do you really? If it is a verbal warranty, you have NO WARRANTY.
Warranty is only good if you have it writing and has their information on that warranty.
See Us In Action - Must WATCH!
We'll Take A look At No Cost To You!
We Strive To Leave Your World Cleaner Than We Found It!